Really important topic, yashar koach for taking it up.

A small point, I don't think that Eved Ivri should be translated as a debt slave since a Jew cannot be sold to pay a debt (and may not use the money from selling himself to pay debts), in the case of a ganav who can't pay, he is sold by the court as a punishment not merely because he has a debt .

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Good point! I borrowed the term from the Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel, but didn't really think about it. I'll change it when I stitch together the complete article.

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Possible answer that came to my mind based on how the pesukim present the prohibition (the first group you quoted):

The guidelines of how to treat a Jewish slave seems to tied to a unique quality of a Jew: his ancestors were slaves in Mitzrayim.

If the ta’am of the mitzvah is not about cruelty but rather to avoid a reenactment of the slavery in Mitzrayim, then it makes sense - the issue isn’t a Jew inflicting עבודת פרך, but a Jew experiencing ‎עבודת פרך. In other words, although the Torah obviously objects to the cruelty of עבודת פרך, this mitzvah is not about that; rather the mitzvah is designed to preclude the possibility of a Jew re-experiencing the slavery of Mitzrayim.

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The halacha from the Rambam supports this: even if a Jew isn’t inflicting it, we are obligated to prevent a Jew from reliving the slavery of Miztrayim.

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Ooh, I like this approach! It doesn't fit squarely into the three approaches I've outlined. I'll definitely consider incorporating it into the article. Thanks!

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