Seneca states that the fear of opening up to others often stems from the fear of opening up to oneself. The question we explore in this episode is: What is the effect of knowing that there is a Being to whom EVERY aspect of yourself is revealed? In other words, what is the psychological impact of the metaphysical fact of God’s omniscience?
Seneca Letter #3: On True and False Friendship
There is a class of men who communicate, to anyone whom they meet, matters which should be revealed to friends alone, and unload upon the chance listener whatever irks them. Others, again, fear to confide in their closest intimates; and if it were possible, they would not trust even themselves, burying their secrets deep in their hearts. But we should do neither. It is equally faulty to trust everyone and to trust no one. Yet the former fault is, I should say, the more ingenuous, the latter the more safe.
Click here to access the full text of Seneca's Letter.
Yeshayahu 29:13
Woe to those who try to hide in depths to conceal counsel from Hashem, and their deeds are [done] in darkness; they say, ‘Who sees us and who knows of us?’
You remember the deeds done in the universe and You recall all the creatures fashioned since earliest times. Before You all hidden things are revealed and the multitude of mysteries since the beginning of Creation, for there is no forgetfulness before Your Throne of Honor and nothing is hidden from before Your eyes. You remember all things ever done and also each creature is not concealed from You. All is revealed and known before You, Hashem, our God, etc.
If you have questions, comments, or feedback, I would love to hear from you! Please feel free to contact me at rabbischneeweiss at gmail.
Stoic texts:
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius
Letters from a Stoic Master (Seneca)
The Discourses of Epictetus
The Enchiridion (Handbook) of Epictetus
YouTube Channel:
"The Mishlei Podcast":
"The Stoic Jew" Podcast:
"Rambam Bekius" Podcast:
"Machshavah Lab" Podcast:
"The Tefilah Podcast":
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