Synopsis: In today's episode we read how Marcus Aurelius grappled with (what he deemed to be) his own intellectual inferiority. After getting the pshat of his meditation, I then turn the lens onto myself and recount how I grappled with my own intellectual inferiority in my yeshiva days, and how many of these feelings surged up yesterday when - for the first time in 13 years - I rejoined my rebbi's Gemara shiur in yeshiva. I recommend that my own talmidim and talmidot listen to this episode if they, too, have struggled with coming to terms with their own intellectual inferiority.
Related Rabbi Schneeweiss Content:
- My Story
- Aurelius, Meditations 5:5
The Torah content for the first two weeks of yeshiva has been sponsored by Avital H. May Hashem send a refuah shleimah to Moshe Gavriel Ben Malka.
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